2023 Virginia Field Hunter Championship

The Virginia Field Hunter Championship is a yearly event where 2 horse/rider combinations are selected by each fox chasing club to compete in 3 different phases - a hack/flat class, a “mock” hunt, and an individual field hunter course.

This year, 24 horse/rider combinations were entered. Kina Davis and Denali represented Thornton Hill Hounds out of Woodville, Virginia.

After the “mock” hunt stage, 11 finalists were chosen of which Kina/D were one. Those 11 finalists competed in the final stage - the individual field hunter course.

This competition is to honor the best horse/rider combination that exemplifies a First Field fox chasing pair - a horse and rider that can navigate complicated terrain alone or in a group, various types of jumps, differing speeds, and proper etiquette and decorum.


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