Summer Care!

The hottest days of the summer are here! We all love summer because we have more time to ride and care for our horses on long summer days, but as horse lovers we need ensure our horses’ health is protected this season. 

Hydration: For body maintenance, an average horse needs at least 5 gallons of water a day. This can easily double or triple when they’re working hard in hot weather, so make sure your horse is hydrated throughout summer.

Shade: If the horse lives outdoors or if he has to be outside during the day time, provide shelter to relieve them from the hot sun. A run-in shed is the best option but trees can provide cool shade in hot weather as well.

Exercise at cooler times: Ride or exercise your horse during the cooler times of the day - such as early in the morning or late afternoon or even evening- and let your horse rest when the sun is high.

Minerals and Electrolytes: We have all seen the recent craze for Liquid IV or other such electrolyte support for humans. Our needs and our horses needs for electrolytes are not new. When we and our horses sweat more from work or hot temperatures they need more minerals and electrolytes to replace those lost in the process. Don’t forget to provide your horse with some salt blocks in the paddock and in their stalls to keep their minerals, salt, and electrolytes balanced.

Use Cooling Techniques: After a ride, hose your horse down with cool water, focusing on large muscle groups and areas with major blood vessels like the neck and legs.


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