Three Secrets of Resilient Equestrians

How well do you ‘bounce back’ when things do not go according to plan? How resilient are you? Owning and riding horses can be an endless roller coaster of amazing highs and lows, which can be difficult to navigate at the best of times. 

Resilient riders show some key skills which help them to build and maintain a positive, hopeful and empowered approach to life, so that they can overcome the inevitable obstacles that we all face from time to time. Here are three key secrets of truly resilient riders:

  1. Strong riders know that stuff happens. Things don’t go according to plan, mistakes are made, and life gets in the way which makes us have to adapt. It’s not personal, and there’s no blame involved. It’s just part of owning/riding horses.

  2. Resilient riders know that in any given moment, they can choose to direct where their attention goes. Resilient riders can realistically and objectively appraise and situation, and choose to focus on things that are under their control and can change, rather than those things that are outside of their control, or those things that they cannot change. They choose to recognize and accept the negatives, but they aren’t overwhelmed by them.

  3. Strong rider are able to ask “is what I’m doing helping or harming me?” These questions put you back in the driving seat, they empower you to develop your resilience and take responsibility for your beliefs, thoughts, emotions and actions. 

Resilience isn’t a fixed trait, it’s not something that some people have and others don’t. Resilience is a skill that can be learnt and practiced. 

So if you’ve ever found yourself saying “There’s no way I’m coming back from this”, then you can use these strategies and others to help you find a way forward again, from whatever your starting point might be.


Why We Love Horses


Confidence is a Skill That Can Be Learned