Confidence is a Skill That Can Be Learned

Many equestrians believe that confidence is something you either have or you don’t, but that is not the case. Those who struggle with nerves, fear, and anxiety would be happy to hear that confidence can be learned!

Just like learning to jump or post the trot, we can learn how to become more confident when riding. You can learn to rebuild your mindset and create long-lasting confidence.

Firstly, this might sound obvious, but you have to REALLY want to be confident. If there are things you dream about doing with your horse, stop worrying about what others think, do what’s best for you and your equine partner.

Secondly, you will need to accept that there is no magic wand. The only person who can control what you believe, think, and feel is YOU.

Finally, you need to keep an open mind (and sense of humor). Not every technique will work for every rider, and you’ll need to experiment to see what works best for you. It takes time and deliberate practice to see changes. You’ll have those amazing lightbulb moments, and sometimes things will not go according to plan and that’s OKAY.

Taking the first step (and knowing what the first step is for you) is often the hardest. Remember, it’s not a race. Enjoy you and your horse. There is NO timeline.


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2024 Horsin’ Around Summer Camp