Tips for Beginner Riders

Are you thinking of going horse riding for the first time? It’s only natural to feel a bit nervous about it; after all, you’re about to ride a relatively large, living animal.

This is why it’s very important to be guided by an expert or a trained professional when you take up horse riding. Not only will they provide the support and reassurance that you need to feel safe and comfortable, but they can also share useful riding tips for beginners. After all, every expert was once a beginner too, right? They will be able to relate to what you are going through and provide personalized feedback.

  1. Wear the proper attire

    It might be obvious, but you don’t want to ride a horse in shorts, miniskirt, or beach sandals. Closed toe shoes to protect your feet is a must! Long pants and always a helmet for safety.

  2. Greet the horse

    Keep in mind that the horse is a living, breathing animal, not a vehicle you can control at your will. Therefore, to establish a good relationship, offer the horse to smell your hand and wait until he touches it with his nose. A “horseman’s handshake” if you will.

  3. When riding, sit up tall

    The best position to keep control of your horse is to sit up straight and tall, relax your back, hold the reins gently, set a foot in each stirrup, and hold your balance to not make your horse feel like he’s carrying a heavier load.

  4. Be gentle with the reins

    There’s rarely a good reason to lift the reins above your shoulder level, your arms should normally form right angles at the elbow. To direct your horse to the left, move the left rein towards the left in a motion similar to opening a door. If you want to steer to the right, just do the same with the right rein. Stop by gently pulling back and pushing the heels down.

  5. Keep your eyes where you’re going

    Don’t fix your gaze on your horse while you ride. As beautiful as he is, you must always keep your eyes ahead. Staring at your horse would be the equivalent of paying attention to the hood of your car while ignoring the road ahead (you surely wouldn’t want to be in a car with such a driver).

  6. Stay in tune

    Stay calm and move your body in the rhythm of your horse. Feel the way he is walking and let him rock you from side to side without resisting. If you’re too tense, you might bounce, get thrown off balance and cause some discomfort in your back. Let the horse be. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can let him do whatever he wants, but you can play the role of a leader, not the one of a dictator.


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